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Social Security Off the Table for Now *
Updated On: Dec 04, 2012

Dec. 3, 2012 | With just a few weeks remaining before the crucial "fiscal cliff" deadline, the White House's chief negotiator, Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, said Social Security was off the table. Some Democrats have said they were willing to look at reforming entitlement programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, but Social Security, it seems, has not been under consideration. Geithner on Sunday said it would only get dealt with "in a separate process." Full story at National Journal. * Update 12/4: The GOP's "fiscal cliff" plan (counter to the White House plan) puts Social Security back on the table, calling for lowering the cost-of-living hikes for SS benefits - Yahoo News. According to Maryland's Rep. Steny Hoyer, everything, including cuts to Social Security and Medicare benefits, should remain on the table. "They clearly are on the table…that does not mean that I'd be prepared to adopt them now…" The Hill.

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