MAY 2023 |
UPS Teamster Subcommittees Meet to Maintain Strategy May 15, 2023 | A handful of subcommittees making up the UPS Teamsters National Negotiating Committees continued to meet as the first full week of national contract negotiations came to a close on Friday, May 12. Teamster subcommittees are costing out contract improvements and finalizing additional proposals to exchange across the table. Committee members, including rank-and-file Teamsters from across the country, are evaluating and strategizing union proposals around overtime protections, inside work rules for part-timers, and robust health and safety measures to protect workers from excessive heat and extreme or unsafe working conditions. Negotiating teams for the Teamsters and UPS are scheduled to return to the table in Washington on Monday, May 22. The negotiating committees for two remaining supplemental agreements will meet on Friday. “Every day, our national negotiating committee is coming to the table sharply focused on enhancing out members’ rights in this new agreement and moving the ball down the field,” said Sean M. O’Brien, Teamsters General President and chief negotiator. “Article by article, progress is being made to reach a full tentative agreement. We know it’s going to take some time, but we also know the Teamsters are going to come out on top in this fight.” The Teamsters represent more than 340,000 full-time and part-time UPS employees. The national master contract and regionals supplements and riders expire July 31. UPS members are preparing to strike Aug. 1 if an agreement is not reached by then. |