Phone: 410-284-5081
MAY 2020
Dec 28, 2020

The May/June issue of the shop stewards newsletter is posted
You may view and download the current issue here. Please note that the newsletter contains clickable links to external pages for additional information. Mail delivery of our Joint Council 62 steward newsletter is suspended until further notice.

Maryland Presidential Primary: Voters to receive mail ballots in May
May 7, 2020 The presidential primary election initially scheduled for April 28, 2020 was moved to June 2, 2020. This election will be conducted primarily by mail. You should receive your ballot in early to mid-May. You do not need to ask for a ballot to receive one. (Don’t be surprised that the ballot has “April 28, 2020” printed at the top. There wasn’t time to reprint ballots after the election date was changed to June 2nd due to the coronavirus. The April date does not affect your ballot being counted.) There will be in-person voting for voters who cannot vote by mail. For more information about this election and where voters who cannot vote by mail can vote, click here.

A Message to Warehouse Teamsters from Division Director Steve Varma
May 12, 2020 As one of the largest divisions in the Teamsters Union, the Warehouse Division has been working with our local unions in the grocery and broadline industries during this unprecedented time. The division is working at all levels to ensure that those still working are doing so safely and fairly: We continue to call on employers to fully enforce CDC guidelines — whether on the federal, state, or local level — in the workplace. The division is also not backing down in our effort to push for mechanisms to hold employers accountable for protecting workers. To continue reading, click here.

Update from Material and Construction Trade Division
May 12, 2020 Even though there has been a slowdown in the economy due to the COVID-19 crisis, construction projects in many states continue on due to exemptions made by state. This is good news for our members working on projects like these, but we also need everyone to be cautious while they are on the job and observe CDC guidelines. Many of our members are had been practicing social distancing long before the COVID-19 crisis. For example, driving a Ready-Mix truck or a plywood truck or using a marooka on a site requires that the driver be alone in the cab. Where our members are most at risk now is in a warehouse setting… Click here to continue

New podcast: Coronavirus Update 9
May 13, 2020 Listen here to the latest special edition of the Teamster Nation Podcast and hear more health and safety tips for those on the job, a legislative update and news from the Health Care Division. Plus, a Local 355 UPS worker explains the challenges of staying safe on the job.

Local 570 distributes protective masks to members 
May 16, 2020 Personal protective equipment (PPE) remains in short supply nationally but Local 570’s aggressive effort to source protective equipment for its members has paid off. Local 570 staff members began their drive to distribute protective face masks to all members designated “essential employees” and thus at risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus while doing their job. Locations recently visited include Toyota, Southern Wine & Spirits, Ecology Services, RMA, Chesapeake Beverage, Cloverland Dairy, Costco, Leonard Paper, Pepsi, and RNDC. The drive to deliver continues. (Note: If you are not wearing a protective mask, please follow social distancing guidelines!) See more photos in the Photo Gallery.

New podcast: Coronavirus Update 10
May 21, 2020 Listen here to the latest special edition of the Teamster Nation Podcast and hear from a Local 952 laundry driver about life on the job, plus more health and safety tips, a legislative update, and news from the Graphic Communications Conference.

Important Maryland voter registration and vote-by-mail info
May 21, 2020 Be sure to register and update your voter registration information by May 27, 2020. It’s important that the Board of Elections has your current address in order to mail you your ballot. Click here to make sure your voter information, party affiliation, and address are updated.

Teamsters: Feds must design a plan to conquer COVID-19
May 27, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has ravaged this country during the past 10 weeks, taking the lives of some 100,000 Americans and jeopardizing the health of millions more… Elected officials need to stop playing politics with peoples’ lives, especially those who are working hard on the job while others sit at home. That means coming up with a solution that makes the public more secure about the world we work and live in so American society can return to a place that somewhat resembles where it was less than three months ago. Read the entire article at TeamstersRelated: Teamsters laud House Coronavirus Panel briefing addressing workers needs

  • Teamsters Local 570

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