Phone: 410-284-5081
APRIL 2020
Dec 28, 2020

March/April issue of shop steward newsletter now online
Apr. 1, 2020 Until further notice, delivery via the USPS of the steward’s newsletter, On the Front Line, is suspended. Stewards may view the current issue here. [OTFL resumed mail delivery to stewards in September 2020.]

Update from the Teamsters Safety & Health Department
Apr. 1, 2020 | The staff at our Union’s headquarters are working around the clock to stay ahead of rapidly evolving situations related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Advisories and industry-specific fact sheets that keep you up-to-date on legislative policy developments around the pandemic continue to become available for download. Read the latest Unemployment and Paid Sick & Family Leave Protections.

Health Care Members: Please take the Teamsters Health Care Division survey
Apr. 3, 2020 | Teamsters are on the front line of the COVID-19 response.  In this crisis, thousands of Teamster health care workers—from nurses to respiratory technicians to American Red Cross workers and more—are, as always, united. The Teamsters Health Care Division is asking health care members to take a couple of minutes out of your very busy schedules to fill out this important survey to tell us how you are impacted. Responses are confidential and will assist us with member representation through a national and regional perspective on the work and challenges that front-line members face.  Click here to complete the survey.

A message from Teamsters Passenger Transportation Divison
Apr. 3, 2020 | In a message today Passenger Transportation Director Rick Middleton wrote: “As the coronavirus (COVID – 19) spreads, your Teamster representatives are working relentlessly to ensure the safety and security of our membership in the Passenger Transportation Division. We are available to address any issues that have come about as a result of this unprecedented calamity. First and foremost, I would like to say that the way our members in this division are affected by COVID–19 vary widely from case to case: the company you work for, people you provide services for and the state you live in all have an impact on how your job may or may not change… Continue reading

Guidelines: The Union’s role in workplace preparation
Apr. 7, 2020 Under the law, it is the employer’s responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace. The union’s role is to make sure the employer takes action. The Teamsters Safety & Health Department issued this updated fact sheet (PDF) outlining some actions that the Union can take to help make your employer ready.

Teamster Nation Podcast: Get the latest health & safety tips for those on the job
Apr. 8, 2020 | Listen to the latest special edition of the Teamster Nation Podcast, and hear the latest health and safety tips for those on the job. You’ll also learn the latest on Capitol Hill legislative action, news from the union’s Industrial Trades and Airline divisions, and inside the daily work of a New Jersey sanitation worker.

Teamsters Public Services to host a town hall webinar for members
Apr. 9, 2020 The Teamsters will be hosting a town hall webinar event for members of the Public Services Division on Thursday, April 9 at 5:00 p.m. (EST). The event will feature General President James P. Hoffa, Public Services Division Director Jason Rabinowitz, and the Teamsters Safety and Health Department. Click here to register in advance for the webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Sad news: Passing of President Rich Brown’s mother
Apr. 13, 2020 It is with sad hearts that we share the news of the passing of Joan Marie Brown, beloved mom of brother Rich Brown, on Friday, April 10, 2020. Our heartfelt condolences go out to Rich and his family. They will remain in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult and sorrowful time. Arrangement information can be found here.

R.I.P. Brother John Freeman 1981-2020
Apr. 14, 2020 Members employed at Carroll Home Services mourn the loss of coworker John Freeman who passed away April 1, 2020. Freeman, an oil delivery driver for the company since 2009, leaves his wife, Andrea, and three-year-old son, Justin… 570 News

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Members employed at Carroll Home Services mourn the loss of coworker John Freeman who passed away April 1, 2020. Freeman, an oil delivery driver at Carroll since 2009, leaves his wife, Andrea, and three-year-old son, Justin.

"John was well-known and well-liked," said Tyrell Vincent, a Carroll Home Services shop steward who first met Freeman in 2006. "He was a devoted father, husband, and son who enjoyed his family and good food. He was always willing to lend a hand to someone else, and share what he knew with others."

Shop steward Derrick Westry enjoyed a 14-year friendship with Freeman. "John wasn't hard to get along with at all. He had a sense of humor and liked to play the jokester. We shared an interest in good restaurants, especially places that served lamb chops. He loved good lamb chops, especially the homestyle chops served at Granny's Restaurant in Owings Mills. John loved his family and was really close to his mom who, sadly, passed away just this past weekend. He will be missed."

"John was a strong supporter of our union. I spoke with John on a number of occasions because he didn't hesitate to reach out when he had questions," said Local 570 Business Agent Kevin Davidson. "He had a pleasant way about him – very much the gentle giant." 

A memorial service honoring Freeman's life will be held at a later date not yet determined.

The Local 570 Executive Board extends its deepest condolences to John Freeman's family and friends during this difficult time.

Teamster Nation Podcast: Episode 190 - Coronavirus Update #5
Apr. 15, 2020 Listen to the latest special edition of the Teamster Nation Podcast, and hear an update from the union’s Rail Conference and Motion Picture and Theatrical Trade Division, as well as the Organizing Department. Plus, what it’s like to work inside a grocery warehouse in the age of COVID-19.

Today is the application deadline for the Hoffa Memorial Scholarship
Apr. 14, 2020 Due to the national emergency, the deadline for applications for the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund was extended to April 14, today. Click here for the Fund’s website and detailed instructions on submitting your application.

COVID-19 outbreak resources for members
Apr. 15, 2020 We’ve compiled a list of helpful resource links to important coronavirus guidelines, and various Federal and State agencies for members residing in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, or Washington, D.C. The list will be updated as necessary. Click the COVID-19 Outbreak Resources for Members box on the right. For industry-related information click Teamster COVID-19 News and Fact Sheets.

Teamsters fight for protection, economic relief for their members
Apr. 16, 2020 More than a month into the nationwide fight to combat the coronavirus, the Teamsters are using their legislative lobbying power to protect workers from both illness and economic distress. The union’s Department of Political and Legislative Action has been active in letting lawmakers know about the needs of members, be it for personal protective equipment (PPE), expanded unemployment benefits or direct stimulus checks many are receiving right now… Teamsters

Helpful tips for members & stewards posted every week
Apr. 20, 2020 Do you know what a contract campaign is? Do you know why it's important to file a grievance in a timely manner? Are you aware that besides what is in your contract, your workplace may have its own unwritten rules? Every Monday we provide answers to those questions and quick tips to help you learn more about the Local Union and your role in it. Available under Members Only, Inside Wire: Tips for MembersStewards, how do you deal with the Critic? Do you know what your steward rights are? When past practice is relevant? Worried about confidentiality issues? The Weekly Stewards' Tip help make your role as steward a bit easier. Available under Shop Stewards, Weekly Tip for Stewards  (Note: If you've forgotten your password, email for assistance.)

Read Hoffa’s letter in support of American Red Cross workers
Apr. 23, 2020 General President Jim Hoffa sent a letter yesterday to the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services: “On behalf of more than 50,000 Teamsters working in health care services including thousands working in a number of different key roles for the American Red Cross, I write in support of the Red Cross’ recent request for funds authorized by the CARES Act (H.R. 748). As the COVID-19 coronavirus has spread across the country…” Read the letter here.

Teamster update on Bakery and Laundry Conference
Apr. 28, 2020 In the Teamsters Bakery and Laundry Conference, most of the 19,300 members on the bakery side have been declared essential and are still working. The larger national companies with Teamster contracts, such as Bimbo USA, Nabisco, and Frito Lay, are working at full employment and making good bonuses. That includes members who work in bakery warehouses, transport drivers, driver salespeople, and others… Continue reading here

Remembering the fallen: A message from General President Hoffa
Apr. 28, 2020 Today, April 28, is Workers’ Memorial Day, a day to remember workers killed or injured on the job and to fight for strong safety and health provisions for all workers. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, this day takes on an even deeper meaning. We have had reports of rank-and-file Teamsters who have been infected, and some who have died, from COVID-19. We are in the midst of a national emergency and essential workers—many of them Teamsters—are putting their own health on the line to keep the rest of us safe, healthy and fed. Before COVID-19, an average of 14 workers died each day of workplace injuries. The most recent data available tells us… Teamsters

Workers’ Memorial Day: Mourn for the dead, fight for the living
Apr. 28, 2020 The Teamsters Union, and trade unionists around the world, recognize April 28 as Workers' Memorial Day — an international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made ill by their work. Workers' Memorial Day is an opportunity to highlight the preventable nature of most workplace injuries and illnesses, and to promote the fight for improving health and safety at each and every workplace. To help mark this important day, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) is providing the following resources to help with the planning of activities at local unions and workplaces… Continue reading

Teamsters call for enforceable worker protections, testing following EO requiring meatpacking plants to remain open
Apr. 30, 2020 In response to the executive order issued this week mandating meatpacking plants remain open during the COVID-19 crisis, the Teamsters Union called on the administration and federal, state, and local regulators today to enforce worker protections and increase testing on the job for food supply chain workers. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the food supply chain in the United States to significant uncertainties and vulnerabilities. The Teamsters Union is calling on the administration to immediately enact enforceable safety standards, compel all employers to provide the highest level of protective equipment, ensure daily testing is available for workers and their communities, enforce physical distancing at all plants, provide emergency premium pay, and mandate full paid sick leave for any workers who are infected… Read the full press release here




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