If America Had Fair Labor Laws, 60 Million Workers Would Join A Union Tomorrow
Jan. 24, 2023 | LABOR LAW | According to the latest data, the ranks of unionized workers grew by 200,000 between 2021 and 2022. If the United States’ unionization rules in place weren’t so biased toward bosses, tens of millions more workers indicate they would have joined a union, too… The decades-long decline of unionized labor, as the Economic Policy Institute’s analysis concludes, has not occurred because workers don’t want to join unions but rather because the design of current labor law is prohibitive to forming them even when the appetite for doing so is strong. Through determination, grit, and courage, and with the winds of unusually strong job growth at their backs, hundreds of thousands of workers across America successfully joined unions last year. With more democratic labor laws in place, tens of millions more would eagerly have done the same. Jacobin