It is important that you read the contract that you received when you signed on with your employer. The union contract spells out in detail what the terms and conditions of your employment are, such as:
Rates of pay and periodic increases
- Medical plans
- Retirement benefits
- Seniority rights
- Vacation and holiday packages
- Job security
- Work rules
The contract is a guaranteed document. The Employer cannot legally change it without first negotiating with the Local Union.
The Negotiating Process
Local 570 staff meets with members to take proposals of the changes they want in the contract with their Employer. The members select from among themselves to serve on their negotiating committee with the Union. The committee then meets with management to secure additional benefits for the membership. After this process has been completed, the committee brings back the final offer from the Company to the membership for ratification.
When the final offer of a proposed contract is presented to the membership for ratification, the members have a right to vote on the proposed contract: either to accept it or reject it.
If the membership by a simple majority votes to reject the proposed contract, it could lead to a strike against the company. Strikes, the Union's most powerful tool, are rare. Local 570 has not had a strike since 2016.
Unity brings results. Many benefits have been won over the years as a result of the membership's solidarity and working relationship with the Local. If the Local Union membership continues to do so, we can only strengthen what has already been gained.